How to find calm during
the holidays

This is the time of year we tend to put our energy everywhere else other than with ourselves, and even more so than usual. We spend this energy making lavish meals, buying gifts, attending events, giving our time to charitable causes and taking care of our families and those we love.

As joyful as the holidays are, if you’re not careful, you can get swept up in the frenzy of the weeks ahead and stress yourself out so much that you’ll be looking forward to when it’s all over.

Instead of succumbing to the stress of the holidays, here are some tips to find calm and joy during this busy season.

How to find calm & joy during the holidays

  • 1.Make sleep a priority.
    Sleep is always important, but especially during busy times like the holidays. Getting enough sleep helps you self-regulate so when things get hectic, you have an easier time keeping your calm. If you have a hard time winding down at night, try a soothing bath with cocktail de bain instead of binging on Netflix.

    2.Slow down and simplify.
    Trying to keep up with everything that’s going on this time of year does more harm than good. Make it a little easier on yourself by simplifying things as much as possible. Be selective about what you say yes to and only do things that you really want to do. Ask for help when you need it. When everyone can do a little something to help, there’s less stress and pressure on you. The less you spread your energy around, the more you can keep your sense of tranquility.

    3.Drop into gratitude.
    It’s a beautiful time of year to be with family and friends, to exchange love and gifts, and enjoy each other’s company. Be grateful for the people in your life and for the time and experiences you get to have together. It’s truly a blessing. The more you drop into that feeling of gratitude, the more you naturally drop into calm and joy.

    4.Do what brings you joy!
    Getting out and having some fun not only sparks joy in your heart, but it helps you loosen up and shake off the overwhelm of the holidays, too. So go on that romantic romp around the city with your love or get together with your gal pals for a fabulous fragrance experience! The holidays are for family and fun.

    5.Sit with yourself.
    Mindful moments are often underestimated, but even just a few minutes a day to unplug and have some quiet time to yourself creates ripple effects. In these moments, you can rest mentally, emotionally and physically. It allows you time to breathe, relax and recharge so you can move forward through your day with a foundation of calm. So make time for yourself, even if it means escaping to the bathroom or hiding out in the bedroom for a bit. That little reset goes a long way.

We know it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the holidays, but if you can be mindful and make space for yourself to balance it all out, you can always tap into the undercurrent of calm and joy over the holidays.


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you release and exhale.

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THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE ZEN CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse


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THE OM CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
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THE OM CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE OM CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE OM CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE OM CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse
THE OM CANDLE - L'Artisan Muse


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