You are Superwoman - L'Artisan Muse

You are Superwoman

We know you’re Superwoman, even when you’re not trying to be.

And if you’re doing it all — juggling your career or business, your family, your social gatherings and community activities — you’re a special kind of Superwoman for so many people in your life.

But if you’re struggling with anxiety, muscle tension, insomnia or excessive sleeping, memory loss or irritability…these can be signs that you haven’t exactly been putting on that cape to serve yourself

Self care is vital and necessary in all its forms so you can keep showing up for the people in your life like the Superwoman you are.

Here are some tips to wear that cape for your own benefit.

Make time for yourself.

First and foremost, rest and indulge in your favorite activities and luxuries. Take aromatic baths, slather yourself with luscious body oils or meditate in the midst of these energy-shifting scents. Get away for a spontaneous weekend or read your favorite book for the 20th time…why not?

Say no.

When you don’t want to do something or your schedule is screaming for some space and free time, say no. If it feels uncomfortable to say no, practice using phrases like “I can’t this time” or “I wish I could but…” — you’ll be a “no” pro before you know it.

Set boundaries.

Identify your priorities, pay attention to your intuition and make decisions that serve your best interests. Only you know what works for you and what doesn’t, so set your boundaries and stick to them the best you can.

Ask for help.

You don’t have to pretend that you can do it all yourself. When you need someone else to pick up the kids or make dinner, delegate or ask for help. If you’re doing all the things in your business, hire someone to handle the small tasks. A little help goes a long way toward your self care.

Release perfectionism.

You don’t have to work overtime every night, sign up for every school activity or take on every new project that comes your way. Keep your priorities in mind and do what’s most important to you.

You can be the Superwoman you naturally are without even trying. 

Just make sure you put that cape on for yourself before you fly off to help everyone else.

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